Differential Response

Differential response (DR), also called alternative response (AR), family assessment (FA) response, or multiple track response, emerged in the 1990s as a way to infuse strengths based, family-centered approaches into child protective services.

DR programs are typically dual track systems, with a traditional track to serve higher risk families and an alternative track designed to serve lower risk families in a less intrusive, more “family friendly” manner. 

Our research identified multiple problems with DR initiatives, including concerns about the validity of the research supporting DR, wide differences in implementation across jurisdictions, and major concerns about the safety of children served in alternative tracks. These issues are highlighted in the policy papers and articles posted below.

Toddler in knit blue hat

Policy Reports

African American girl with a lot of hair


Teen boy with white tee and ball cap



Toddler Asian Girl in grass


African American Girl with red shirt
Asian boy with white tee and hand on head


Names of Authors